Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 13 9:16:03 2024 / +0000 GMT

Upcoming workshop:“Historic Cities & ICT: Which building will you save first?”

Cattura1Cyprus University of Technology organizes a one-day Workshop on innovative use of ICT (Information Communication and Technology) on preserving, protecting and promoting Cultural Heritage in Historic Cities. The Workshop will take place in Nicosia at 22nd of October 2018 (Monday) between 10:30 and 16:30, in Leventis Gallery. The workshop is divided in two parts: first part (10:30 to 13:30) will include scientific presentations to the participants under the theme of ICT & Cultural Heritage, focusing on specific thematic areas. The second part (14:30 to 16:30) is a hands-on workshop where all the participants will be engaged in a decision-making tool for historic cities.
The Workshop is part of project IRC-HERMES, funded by Interreg Balkan- Mediterranean. IRC-HERMES addresses the rescue, promotion and development of cultural heritage. It focuses on preventing the danger of collapse by means of management and prevention algorithms for historic buildings. .
The Workshop is scheduled in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and as a side event of the 5th Anniversary Conference of the 7 Most Endangered programme and Capacity Building Days on Endangered Heritage which will take place on 22-24 October in Nicosia (Cyprus), organized by EUROPA NOSTRA.
If you are interested in presenting a paper in this workshop, you should submit an Abstract under the following Thematic Areas:
• Historic Cities and Cultural Heritage Management
• Tourism and Cultural Heritage
• Cultural Heritage for Education
• Digital Heritage (focusing on historic cities, monuments & buildings)
• Community Engagement for Cultural Heritage
• Urban Planning for Historic Cities
• Endangered Cultural Heritage (focusing on monuments and buildings)

Cattura2You will have three (3) months (after the workshop) to submit the full paper.
All papers and workshop results will be published in RESEARCH GATE (with DOI) and in IRC-HERMES project portal. There will be a vast dissemination of the papers and the results of this Workshop, through our partners and Europa Nostra.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission deadline (for presentation): 20th of September 2018 (maximum 6 presentations)
Registration (Free) deadline: 30th of September 2018 (maximum 30 participants)

Workshop Agenda:
10:00 – 10:30: Registration / Coffee
10:30 – 13:30: Paper Presentations
13:30 – 14:30: Lunch
14:30 – 16:30: Hands-on Workshop; designing a conservation plan
Facebook: @IRC.HERMES

Organized by Cyprus University of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics