Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 20 5:06:18 2024 / +0000 GMT

UNCHARTED: a new EU project responding to the H2020 “Transformations” call.

The 7th February will take place in Paris the first meeting to kick off all activities of the new EU project UNCHARTED.
This is a four years project Coordinated by the University of Barcelona, focused on the valuation practices of the actors involved in cultural life.
It aims to define the social values associated with culture, their configuration and the political impulse that these values could deliver to the society.

These values will be studied in four fundamental arenas of cultural practice:

  • cultural participation in live arts and culture;

  • cultural participation through media;

  • cultural production and heritage management;

  • cultural administration.

The main objectives of the project are:
1. to provide a broader vision of the value of culture in Europe
2. to identify and contextualize the emergence and configuration of cultural values in Europe
3. to co-create new conceptual and methodological tools to understand, evaluate, measure and improve statistical data for capturing the plurality of values of culture
4. to give tools and systematic guidelines for the reorientation of cultural policy in a pluralistic sense.

The UNCHARTED Project is multidisciplinary to address a wide range of aspects and perspectives of the plural value of culture in different contexts and sectors.

Its consortium comprises 10 partners, 9 of them are academic and one is a SME successfully active for many years in the sector:
1. Universitat de Barcelona (Coordination)
2. Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest
3. University of Coimbra
4. University of Bologna
5. Telemark Research Institute
7. University of Porto
8. Goldsmiths, University of London
9. University Paris 8
10. Promoter srl

The activity is organized into eight work packages:

WP 1: Understanding the societal value of culture
WP 2: Identifying the emergence of values of culture
WP 3: Measuring and imagining
WP 4: Analyzing political intervention and impact
WP 5: Experimental demonstrations.
WP6: Communication and Dissemination
WP 7: Project Management
WP 8: Ethics requirements


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