Digital meets Culture
Export date: Wed Oct 9 9:30:34 2024 / +0000 GMT

The REACH Workshop on participatory approaches for creativity and entrepreneurship

workshop CoventryThe second REACH project Workshop is getting close!

It is planned for next Tuesday, the 12th of March, in Coventry at the venue of the Institute for Creative Enterprise  and it will discuss and explore best practices on participatory approaches in the use and re-use of content and places within the sphere of cultural heritage.

Organized by Coventry University (REACH Project Coordinator), this international event represents a great opportunity for the stakeholders in the cultural heritage sector (creative enterprises, innovative tourism organizations and local development agencies, as well as researchers and students) to investigate the value of creative participatory (re-)use and  entrepreneurship in terms of research advancement and social innovation as well as regarding the impact on public and private investment in culture.

The event is organized in three sessions and a final panel discussion.

Two sessions will take place during the morning:
the first will consider what has been done before, in other participatory projects;
the second will go deeper facing in a more practical way the creative re-use and   entrepreneurship by showcases.

In the evening, the third session will focus on the participatory approach to journalism via the Digital Meets Culture online magazine.

The day will end with the panel discussion during which the speakers will take questions from the audience.

Further information:

Workshop webpage