Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Feb 6 23:08:29 2025 / +0000 GMT

The Power of Museums

The International Council of Museums ICOM has recently opened registrations to join the 26th ICOM General Conference which will take place in Prague from 20 to 28 August 2022.

Every three years, the ICOM General Conference gathers the international museum community around a topic of crucial interest to promote cultural exchange, international cooperation, and to inspire local actions in order to allow museums to continue their mission to support the society.

“The Power of Museums” is the theme of the ICOM General Conference Prague 2022, and four are the main subtopics:

  • Museums and the Civil Society

  • Museums and resilience

  • Museum and leadership

  • Museums and new technologies

For the first time the Conference will be organized in hybrid mode: keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, round tables and other activities of the main scientific programme can be followed online by participants from all over the world as well as at the Congress Center in Prague.
The Call for Papers to become part of the official scientific programme of the Conference is open until March 31.

Further and more detailed information on the event and on how to participate are available at