Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 18 9:50:43 2025 / +0000 GMT

The Fear devours the Soul

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th h 21:00; Sunday 16th of December 2018 h 18:00


Theatre and New Technologies Performance

outcome of the technological creative residence A.R.T.E - AUGMENTED REALITY EXPERIENCE - international exchange and project by and with KYBER TEATRO (Italy), MINWAL THEATRE COMPANY (Libanon) theatre companies, V.E.I.A Multimedia Association (France), and other artists and performers from Sardinia under 35.

paura anima

"The Fear devours the Soul" is a reflection about the themes that distinguish these times dictated by the ubiquity of fear as a universal feeling that unites humanity.

An experiment of augmented theatre reality, based on an artistic and technological research that develops through the spectator's presence and the choices he makes within the performance.

A "bio game", a theatrical experience on life, in which stage writing and digital imaginary evolve through the use of new technologies, increasing the participation of those who attends at the same time.

kybertAfter the show of Sunday evening, it will be presented also a conference open to the whole audience and addressed in particular to the small and medium cultural and artistical companies or show business enterprises, about the results of the project called A.R.T.E and the experience of augmented theatre reality we have done in this artistical technological residence.

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