Digital meets Culture
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The digital cultural heritage towards Horizon 2020

feat luigi sturzoOn 8th October 2013 in Rome, a valuable seminar was held at the premises of Istituto Luigi Sturzo, to discuss the importance of culture and cultural heritage, and the need to valorize it with an user-centered approach. The seminar was organized by AICI (Italian Cultural Institutions Association), Istituto Sturzo, CNR (Italian National Research Council), EMA (European Museum Academy), and Fondazione Luigi Micheletti.

Central topic of the debate is the importance of designing and sustaining research and policy in order to valorize the potential of digital cultural heritage, also for stimulating a new-born cultural industry that will foster economic growth and occupation. The cultural heritage is the basis of such industry and Italian entrepreneurship, that joins an incomparable cultural richness with advanced digital technologies.

The event was divided in two sessions; the first one was dedicated to the policy, highlighting the decisions by Italian Government and Parliament related to the central role of culture for the economic recovery in Italy, and also in Europe. Important institutional speakers from the Ministries and the Parliament, representatives from industry, research and EC were present and animated a valuable dialogue.

The second session was dedicated to the digital content Aggregators and to the research infrastructures in the sector of SSH (Social Science and Humanities) and  cultural heritage, to share objectives and to develop an operative roadmap towards an Extraordinary Plan for Digitization of cultural heritage, in line with the recommendations of the Digital Agenda for Europe and Italy.

While attending this debate, it was a good occasion for dissemination of few EU projects i.e. Linked Heritage, DCH-RP and EuropeanaPhotography, that are all related to such an important topic.

Official Program, Italian language (PDF, 464 Kb)