Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Jan 21 18:26:03 2025 / +0000 GMT

The Creative Museum Project @ The Brighton Digital Festival

brightonThe Creative Museum project is an Erasmus+ funded project – it sees museums as dynamic learning environments providing opportunities for staff and visitors to explore and repurpose collections in new and creative ways.

Based on the outcomes of the project to-date, this practical half-day conference looks at some of the recommended ingredients for building a ‘creative museum', whether you work in a museum or not.

The event is co-chaired by Don Undeen, University of Georgetown (Washington DC) and former Senior Digital Manager, Met MediaLab (New York) and Jo-Anne Sunderland Bowe, Director, Heritec Limited and Project Co-cordindator, The Creative Museum project. Also present are a variety of speakers from Brighton Museum, Culture 24, Lighthouse, Museomix, Radiona, and the Chester Beatty Library (Dublin).

This special event for the Brighton Digital Festival is for museum professionals, digital specialists, makers, tinkerers, hackers – anyone who wants to look at museums in a new and interesting ways. This session will be fully participative – be prepared to come with lots of questions and an open-mind.

The event will be followed by networking opportunities and a drinks reception and has been organised as part of the Brighton Digtial Festival.

Supported by Clearleft / Sixty Eight Middle Street

With thanks to the Brighton Digital Festival


WHERE: 68 Middle Street - Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL, United Kingdom

Registrations HERE