Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Jul 27 5:00:35 2024 / +0000 GMT


Aim of the workshop

The European Commission Information Society and Media DG, with the support of TERENA and the GÉANT project are organising a workshop to discuss federated access and more in general the vision for a global authentication and authorisation infrastructure at European level also in the context of the Horizon2020.
The workshop will offer an opportunity to learn about the key concepts of federated access and how to benefit from it. It will also bring together different EC-funded projects and communities to discuss their needs for authentication and authorisation and how their are met by the existing e-Infrastructures.
The workshop will focus on the following main topics:

  • Review the recommendations from the AAA study

  • Show cases of existing Identity Federations: how they work, what they support

  • Implementation of H2020 call

  • Coordination among different EC-funded initiatives


To ensure that the workshop is as interactive as possible, participants will be asked beforehand to describe their existing requirements in terms of support to authenticate and authorise users.

The process will be facilitated by providing a template.


The event is free of charge, however registration is required.

Draft Agenda

Start Time: 10.30
End Time: 16:30

  • Introduction by the EC on the aim of the workshop

  • Review of the AAA study: what has happened since and what not and why.
    Opportunities to work on some of the recommendations in the horizon2020 calls?

  • Introduction to federated access (how it works, IdPs and SPs) and standardisation efforts in the AAI

  • Inter-federation and international collaboration for R&E: eduGAIN

  • Successful inter-federation showcases and the use-cases they support (SURFconext, eduGAIN)


  • Setting the AAI scene (in preparation for the panels): overview on scope and differences between eduGAIN, STORK, AAI for grid/clouds/data. Where do persistent IDs initiatives fit in the picture?

  • PANEL: drivers & barriers for a cross-sector European federated AAI (30 m)

  • PANEL: user requirements and future use-cases to be supported by an AAI infrastructure

  • PANEL: technology requirements (based on the use-cases provided by the audience)

  • Closing remarks