Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Feb 6 23:01:50 2025 / +0000 GMT

Succeed survey on content/tools licensing and innovative usages

succeedThe Succeed project is undertaking a survey on the use of licenses in the field of digitisation and on innovative usages of digitised content.

The survey is available at: .

The aim of this survey is to gather information about current practices for licensing data, metadata and tools and on new trends in the exploitation of digitised content. This information will help the project define recommendations for texts digitisation in Europe and worldwide.


All interested parties are invited to fill in the survey before July 11th, 2014 and provide your e-mail to get an update on the results of this analysis: .


Succeed ( is a support action funded by the European Union. It promotes the take up and validation of research results in mass digitisation, with a focus on textual content.