Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 13 7:43:17 2024 / +0000 GMT

“Satire is riding… the waves of the Mediterranean” - contest for the Internet Festival (Italy)

IF2016_cover-850x330There's still time until Monday September 19th to participate in the online comics and illustration competition “Satire is riding…the waves of the Mediterranean”, dedicated to migration flows and open to professional and non-professional artists from all over Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean. The competition is but one of the initiatives and activities of the coming edition of the Pisa Internet Festival from October 6th to 9th. This year, the focus will be on future innovations using the Web as a symbol of the interweaving of data, concepts and relationships but also on the theme of migration and the link between migration and conflict. We have already received dozens of drawings and cartoons from artists from all over the Mediterranean as well as from countries such as Russia and Bulgaria.   

In order to take part in the competition that was created by #IF2016 and the cultural association “Brain cult”, all you have to do is log on to the Facebook page La satira naviga and send us a valid identity document. You will then be able to send us your drawings (one or more cartoon(s)/illustration(s)) on the theme of migration in the Mediterranean, within the specific technical requirements (accepted file formats: tiff, jpg, bmp, gif,  quality:300 dpi minimum size: A4).

The illustrations will be published on the gallery of our Facebook page: La satira naviga. The two cartoons that receive the most “Likes” before 11.59PM on Monday September 19th 2016 will receive the “IF Best Cartoon 2016” award and the authors of the cartoons will receive their award in Pisa, during the #IF2016. A third artist, selected by the Festival jury, will receive the special “IF Satire Award 2016” and will be invited back as a member of the jury for the #IF2017.

All that's left to do now is start drawing and get voting. Perhaps irony and creativity will help untangle the knots of the Mediterranean that are getting tighter each day.

About Internet Festival
The Internet Festival confirms its status as the most important national event on innovation and the Internet. It is a unique opportunity to experiment with new connections, draw out new landscapes and imagine ever complex spaces. It is a journey that begins in Pisa and goes on to explore the world of cutting-edge technologies, new communication tools, digitalization and its effects on various sectors (from food to music to culture to international conflicts, business marketing, big data, Public administrations, theatre and sport), not forgetting the theme of social innovation, the younger generations and the ecosystem of start-ups.

The Internet Festival is supported by the Region of Tuscany, the City of Pisa,, the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Cnr (Italian national research council), the University of Pisa, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore, the Chamber of Commerce of Pisa, the Province of Pisa and the Associazione Festival della Scienza. The director of the Festival is Claudio Giua who is the president of Fondazione Sistema Toscana. The festival coordinator is Adriana De Cesare for Fondazione Sistema Toscana. Anna Vaccarelli (IIT-CNR) and Gianluigi Ferrari (University of Pisa) jointly coordinate the executive and scientific committee.

Internet Festival, 6 - 9 October 2016, Pisa
