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RURITAGE Summer School dedicated to heritage-based regeneration at regional level

RURITAGE is an EU H2020 project which aims to regenerate rural areas through heritage.
Starting from the assumption that the cultural and natural heritage of European rural areas needs not only to be safeguarded, but also promoted and sustainably enhanced for regional and community development, RURITAGE intends to regenerate rural areas with the help of 5 Systemic Innovation Areas (SIAs) framework which identifies unique heritage potential within rural communities: Pilgrimage, Resilience, Sustainable Local Food Production, Integrated Landscape Management, Migration and Art and Festivals.

The project organized its next Summer School on May 9-13, 2022.
The event, titled “Heritage-based regeneration at regional level: learning from practice”, is arranged within the RURITAGE project by Savonia University of Applied Science.

It will be delivered in presence at the Savonia University, Kuopio Finland and include both lectures, study visits and interactive workshops with the participants.

The course will introduce to the RURITAGE methodology supporting rural areas to co-develop through their local heritage.
Savonia will give lectures based on their expertise on local development, especially as the Region of Gastronomy 2020-21.

The objectives of the Summer School are:

  • To learn from other regional development projects throughout Europe through a landscape, pilgrimage, local food, and art & festival perspective as a driver

  • To take part and learn from practical experiences and reflect on how they could be further adapted to your own local context

  • To exchange knowledge, experiences, and further network for future opportunities.

More information and the programme are available at