Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Oct 12 19:09:59 2024 / +0000 GMT

RURALIZATION Final Conference

RURALIZATION is a EU-funded project aiming at developing forward-looking policies fulfilling the ‘future dreams' of new rural generations and foster sustainable development of rural and marginal areas. In this light, RURALIZATION and INCULTUM established a cooperation agreement for cross-dissemination and knowledge exchange. The RURALIZATION project has identified a series of ‘innovation stories' to better understand the problems associated with rural living, the importance of sustainable and inclusive farming practices, and how new thinking (dream scenarios, foresight activities) can help to transform rural communities. The ultimate aim is to open up rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms.

The RURALIZATION consortium organized the Final Conference on April 20th at the Committee of the Regions, Brussels. Within the course of an on-site and virtual meeting with experts and stakeholders, the event focused on the presentation of lessons learned, best practices and project results that will serve to design and implement policies and activities that facilitate the entry of new generations and newcomers to the rural areas.

View the recording here:

RURALIZATION is focused on assessing and developing novel instruments, strategies and policies for rural regeneration and generational renewal. Its particular focus is on rural foresight analysis, the future dreams of rural youth, facilitating rural newcomers, farm succession, new entrants into farming and access to farmland.