Digital meets Culture
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RICHES workshop session in Berlin: Community-Led Redesign of Cultural Heritage

The final conference of Civic Epistemologies project takes place in Berlin on 12-13 November 2015: Digital Heritage and Innovation, Engagement and Identity.

Two lines will be explored during the Conference:

  • Digitisation is producing a big change that is impacting cultural institutions, their practices, the way that the heritage is preserved, accessed and made available on the Internet

  • The participation of citizens in digitisation activities and co-creation experiences, including the artistic dimension, represents a big potential that is demanding to be unlocked.

Integrated in the conference programme, a RICHES workshop will be held on the theme "Community-Led Redesign of Cultural Heritage".

Date: FRIDAY 13 November 2015 - Venue: Hamburger Bahnhof

09.30 – 09.45   Introduction to the RICHES project: Overview of the project aims and objectives - Neil Forbes, Project Coordinator, Coventry University, UK

09.45 – 10.00   Introduction to the topic of Community-Led Cultural Heritage - Moya Kneafsey, Coventry University, UK

10.00 – 11.30: Sub-session 1: Strategies for the Co-Creation of Cultural Heritage

The Spanish-speaking community in Berlin and the use of ‘diasporic' media  - Swenja Wirtz and Monica Hagedorn-Saupe, SPK, Germany

Co-Creation of Cultural Heritage Strategies - Robin van Westen and Dick van Dijk, WAAG, The Netherland

Plenary Discussion

coffee break

11.30 – 13.00: Sub-session 2: Community-Led Culture Economies

Community-Led Commodification of Food Cultures - Moya Kneafsey, Coventry University

The Commodification of Community-learned Skills in the Digital Age: The Case of Craft -  Amalia Sabiescu and Martin Woolley, Coventry University, UK

Community Participation in the Redesign of Urban Built Heritage: the case of Palazzo Pretorio, Italy Antonella Fresa, Promoter, Italy

Plenary discussion

The whole conference programme and registration is available here.
