Digital meets Culture
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REACH at “Citizen participation and the changing meaning & value of cultural heritage across Europe” Workshop

belgium-3590656_1920The 29th November, in Brussels, KIK-IRPA and FARO held a workshop titled “Citizen participation and the changing meaning & value of cultural heritage across Europe”.

The event was one of the outcomes of the Action Programme 2016-2019 related to the four main themes of the Strategic Research Agenda of the EU Joint Programming Initiative, Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI-CH).

Focus of the event was to discuss the opportunities and challenges of heritage participation and learn from examples from all across Europe.
Questions to be answered:

  • How can heritage professionals and policy makers be stimulated to include the meaning(s) people attach to heritage as an essential element in the way they handle heritage?

  • How can citizen participation engage population groups that are difficult to reach (young people, migrants...)?

  • Which best practices are available in Europe?

  • how can experiences with citizen participation in other sectors can be use in the heritage sector? what can they teach the heritage sector?

Prof. Neil Forbes, coordinator of the REACH project, contributed to the event as a speaker, presenting: "Participation, commitment and resilience: cultural heritage and community in Europe"

Read the programme and more information here.