Digital meets Culture
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Presenting INCULTUM in workshop "Smart Governance in local municipalities"

Original text by Kamila Borseková, UMB.

The international workshop on Smart Governance in local municipalities – Innovative approaches to city and municipality management was organized as a hybrid event on 23.11.2021 at the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.

An international workshop was organized for representatives of local municipalities, cities and self-government regions, policy and decision makers, academic community, students and actors of local development and focused on identification of current modern trends and perspectives of smart development governance in local municipalities.

The event was divided into three parts, the first panel session was dedicated to Innovative approaches to management of cities and municipalities. The second panel discussion was oriented to perspectives on smart governance development in Slovak cities. The last panel session was an international session (in English) devoted to Smart Governance and Culture. This session includes four short presentations (up to 10 minutes) and panel discussion; in this panel session was also presented INCULTUM project:

  • Smart cultural policy tools. Some French examples. - Thomas Helie, University of Reims

  • Smart cities and e-governance: implications for Ukrainian cultural practice Ihor Lishchynskyy, Maria Lyzun, West Ukrainian National University

  • Students as actors of urban change - Jakub Zasina, University of Lodz

  • Visiting the margins: INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries - Kamila Borseková, Matej Bel University

The event had up to 100 participants including practitioners, policy makers, representatives from public, private and non-profit sectors, students and academic community.

The Matej Bel University is involved in INCULTUM with two important tasks: an extensive research for the development of policy particpatory models and the very interesting Pilot 3 Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia.