Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 11 5:59:38 2025 / +0000 GMT

PREFORMA presented on Archeomatica website

archeomatica_bannerOn the 21st of February 2014, Archeomatica published an article about PREFORMA, offering to its readers a general presentation of the project and of the related Call for Tender.

Archeomatica is a multidisciplinary magazine, printed in Italy and published also online, devoted to the dissemination of advanced methodologies, emerging technologies and techniques for the Cultural Heritage's knowledge, documentation providing, preservation and improvement.

Archeomatica is open access, believing that the research results freely available to the public improve the global knowledge exchange.


Click here to read the article about PREFORMA, entitled "PREFORMA: gli standard del futuro per la conservazione dei dati digitali culturali" (Italian langiage).