Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Feb 7 23:13:27 2025 / +0000 GMT

Oscillations 2020, new artwork by Miguel Chevalier

Oscillations 2020, Miguel Chevalier
Music: Michel Redolfi
Generative and audio-reactive virtual-reality installation
Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh (USA)
Curator: Murray Horne
January 25 – April 5, 2020
Software: Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret
Technical production: Voxels Productions

Miguel CHEVALIER Oscillations 2020 Pittsburgh (USA) from Claude Mossessian on Vimeo.

Oscillations 2020 is a new generative virtual-reality installation by Miguel Chevalier that is audio-audio-reactive with music by Michel Redolfi.
This creation allows a 3D graphic visualization of the music by Michel Redolfi.
Thanks to generative software, a waveform is generated in real time according to the frequencies and amplitudes of the music. These spectrums of the different sounds of music generate imaginary landscapes to infinity. These landscapes, which pass before our eyes, present an infinite variations: solid or wireframe, steep or flat, in black and white or in colour…
Image and music respond to each other in a fusion of an emotional nature that participates in a true synesthesia.