Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 11 6:16:06 2025 / +0000 GMT

New cooperation agreement between DCH-RP and CHAIN REDS

dchrp-chainredsAfter the successful workshops and networking sessions jointly organised bt DCH-RP and CHAIN-REDS (in Manchester at the EGI Community Forum, in Rome during the EUDAT Conference and at ICT 2013 in Vilnius), the two projects decides to formalise their cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

Aim of this agreement is to promote and support technological and scientific collaboration across different e-Infrastructures established and operated in various continents, in order to define a path towards a global e-Infrastructure ecosystem that will allow Virtual Research Communities (VRCs), research groups and even single researchers to access and efficiently use worldwide distributed resources.

The main focus is to highlight the usefulness of e-Infrastructures and federated identity services to store, access and preserve digital cultural content.

In particular, in the framework of this MoU, the following joint actions have been planned:

  • DCH-RP will encourage integration of Open Access repositories in DCH-RP partner countries into the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base, using the OAI-PMH standard and the Dublin Core metadata schema.

  • DCH-RP will check the repositories already included in the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base and send CHAIN-REDS the URLs and the OAI-PMH endpoints of any other repositories which do not appear in the map.

  • DCH-RP will contact digital libraries within its community not-supporting OAI-PMH access and promote the adoption of this standard, in order to include those libraries in the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base.

  • DCH-RP will make use of the CHAIN-REDS Semantic Search Engine.

  • CHAIN-REDS will integrate the Open Access repositories provided by DCH-RP into its Knowledge Base.