Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Oct 10 23:57:27 2024 / +0000 GMT

New collaboration with Kulturtanken - Arts for Young Audiences Norway

UNCHARTED project has just established a collaboration with Kulturtanken - Arts for Young Audiences Norway, the Ministry of Culture agency responsible for 'The Cultural Schoolbag', the crux of the government's policy for bringing culture and art to children and young people.

Kulturtanken works closely with the Ministry of Education and Research and provides services to the central government authorities involved in the culture and education sectors, in order to strengthen children and young people's participation in art and culture and to promote collaboration, research, and innovation.

Kulturtanken has joined the UNCHARTED community with the aim to collaborate in the mutual support of communication and dissemination activities as well as to exchange knowledge for supporting understanding, capturing and fostering the societal value of culture and the impact of cultural policies in Europe.

More detailed information on Kulturtanken are available on:
Showcase of Kulturtanken on UNCHARTED website
Kulturtanken website