Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 13 7:59:42 2024 / +0000 GMT

#MuVArch - a virtual museum of architecture

A virtual museum was recently presented by the Italian Council of Architects CNAPPC - Consiglio Nazionale Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori. The museum is named #MuVArch, and will allow to virtually walk into exhibition rooms supported with an interactive audioguide. It was created in the framework of the project "Architetti per il Futuro".

It will be possible to visit two exhibitions: "The best schools" and "The best ideas and proposals for schools" deriving from contests dedicated to young architects. Additionally, works from children and teenagers are showcased in the framework of the projects "Abitare il Paese" and "51 Scuole innovative".

The museum was developed within the project #architettiperilfuturo, and will soon be available as an app for PC, App mobile e OCULUS Quest.

Follow the facebook page of CNAPPC for more news about #MuVArch: