Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Feb 7 23:20:47 2025 / +0000 GMT

INCULTUM presented at Winter School 2023

photo courtesy of University Of Pisa

On 18th February, the 2023 editon of Winter School, organized by the Università di Pisa, Cattedra UNESCO in ICT of Università della Svizzera Italiana and with the support of Museo della Grafica and Sistema Museale di Ateneo di Unipi, came to an end.

During this conclusive day, INCULTUM's research and pilots were disseminated to the interested group of participants.

The participants, who came from both universitary and working fields, had the chance to confront with scholars and experts regarding best pratices and issues concerning turistic flows and their management, with a special eye on the new testing areas and development of cultural tourism.

The lessons were held in the Library of the Fondazione Campus in Lucca, partecipating itself in the Winter School, and there Professor Enrica Lemmi and Dr. Adele Cogno presented INCULTUM project, dwelling on the pilot of San Pellegrino in Alpe.

At this link, you can view and download the complete programme of the Winter School (PDF, 512 KB).