Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Feb 7 23:52:26 2025 / +0000 GMT

INCULTUM is part of a winter school on Digital Cultural Tourism and Diplomacy

The 2022 Winter School of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage, in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, is dedicated to investigating how ICTs designed to enhance the tourism experience can help in preserving and transmitting living heritage and bring people to work and live closer together, while at the same time promoting forms of tourism (cultural, historic, religious, gastronomy, wine, etc.) that go beyond traditional “sun sea and sand”, and can verifiably serve as a vehicle of cultural diplomacy.

In the valuable programme of the winter school, lectures and talks, visits to UNESCO World Heritage Sites and other places, experience of unique local traditions, hands-on exercises, and a range of formal and informal activities will allow participants to understand how to leverage smart digital technologies for sustainable tourism and cultural diplomacy in order to preserve and transmit living heritage.

Among the invited speakers, INCULTUM coordinator Prof. José Mª Martín Civantos will deliver teaching activites to illustrate, among other key topics, the research ongoing about sustainable tourism and partipatory approaches in tourism management that is currently taking place at INCULTUM project.

About the winter school: