Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 18 10:10:37 2025 / +0000 GMT

San Pellegrino in Alpe: a tale between past and present

On 20 May, 2024 a very interesting  event will take place at the ‘Vittorio Alfieri' Theatre of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (Province of Lucca).

The event is conceived as a dissemination space for the entire Garfagnana territory and the neighbouring Mediavalle del Serchio valley. The coordinators of the project and the researchers involved will talk about the objectives of the INCULTUM project and the results obtained by pilot run in San Pellegrino in Alpe. This will be followed by reflections on the possibilities of using cultural tourism as a tool for the socio-economic revitalisation of peripheral territories and the Garfagnana area in particular.

The conference will be attended by students from the ‘ISI Garfagnana' high school, provincial and regional politicians, local tourism operators, stakeholders, amd teachers involved in the training activities.

The event will be complemented by the theatrical performance ‘Un prete, due santi, un confine e 4000 pezzi unici' (A priest, two saints, a border and 4,000 unique pieces), performed by the actress Elisabetta Salvatori.

The event is in Italian language.

The invitation card and poster of the event are available for download.