Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Oct 14 14:34:48 2024 / +0000 GMT

INCULTUM and Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea join forces

The aim of the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea project is to demonstrate the potential of Data Analytics for tourism development in the area of Black Sea. To achieve this, pilot services will be tested and the dialogue with regional stakeholders encouraged. Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea project will boost sectoral cooperation and allow greater usage of the Industry 4.0 technologies in tourism. Data driven tourism will enable more sustainable development of tourism in the future.

More about this project:


All these themes and actions are very close to the work of INCULTUM, which aims to demonstrate the high potential of the marginal and peripheral places, cultural heritage and resources when managed by local communities and stakeholders, also supporting the research with collecting quantitative and qualitative data on cultural tourism to produce innovative data analysis and new statistics on this phenomenon. INCULTUM findings are oriented to foster positive impacts of cultural tourism by using a participatory approach involving local population and stakeholders as communities of practices.

For this reason, collaboration between the two projects is expected to generate mutual exchanges and benefits and to boost outreach to stakeholder communities in Europe and beyond.