Digital meets Culture
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IIIF Conference 2019

iiifoThe 2019 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Conference will be held in the week of the 24th to 28th of June in Göttingen, hosted by the University of Göttingen / Göttingen State and University Library.

The Conference is intended for a wide range of participants and interested parties, including digital image repository managers, content curators, software developers, scholars, and administrators at libraries, museums, cultural heritage institutions, software firms, and other organizations working with digital images and audio/visual materials.



The conference encourages showcasing developments in IIIF and in particular welcomes presentations in the following areas:

  • Annotation, including full-text or academic use cases

  • Using IIIF material for Machine Learning and AI

  • Discovering IIIF resources

  • Audio/Visual use cases for IIIF

  • Linked Open “Usable” Data (LOUD) and IIIF

  • IIIF Implementation Spectrum: large-scale or small-scale projects

  • Interoperability in IIIF contexts

  • Implementations of IIIF outside of North America/Europe

  • IIIF communities (3D, archives, museums, manuscripts, newspapers, etc.)

Call for 500 words abstract, deadline 1 March: