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Export date: Sat Feb 15 22:46:17 2025 / +0000 GMT

IEEE World Forum on The Internet-of-Things

The theme of the Conference is “Smart Cites and Nations” in recognition of Singapore's strides in embracing “Smart” — policies, principles, and practices — for which IoT is an important technology enabler. The World Forum on The Internet of Things consists of an outstanding Technical Program featuring the latest advances and experiences with IoT for the Academic and Research Community, a set of Vertical and Topical Area tracks of interest to Industry and to the Public Sector, and is relevant locally to Singapore and the larger Asia Pacific region.


We expect attendance and participation from leading Research Institutions, Government Organizations responsible for IoT from around the World, and practitioners from major International Enterprises that provide products, goods, and services based on IoT.

  • Hear Minister Yaacob Ibrahim about the technologies, business models, and processes that are transforming the Smart Nation of Singapore

  • Listen to William Ruh who is the CEO of GE Digital about how IoT is driving the next wave of Industrial Practices

  • Share the experience with Chris O'Connor, the General Manager of IoT Applications at IBM, of how Artificial Intelligence is changing the landscape for many of IBM's customers

  • Let Maciej Kranz, the VP of Corporate Innovation at Cisco take you through the journey that he sees for IoT and the impact of IoT at the World Forum in Davos.

  • Take a peek at the future as Jan Rabaey, Chair of Engineering and Computer Science at Berkeley shares the vision of IoT and the wonders coming out of today's laboratories.

ieeeIf you want to understand IoT and the underlying technologies, take part in the full day of tutorials and workshops on the first day of WF-IoT2018. If you are technical oriented or a researcher listen to any of the 145 papers that will address IoT in depth and give you a glimpse of the future.

If you wish to know how IoT will impact your industry attend any of the five Vertical Tracks where Industry experts and practitioners will share their experiences. For engineers, managers, administrators, and practitioners interested in practical aspects of IoT attend any of the five Topical Area Tracks. Each is populated with experts and speakers from around the world.
