Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 20 6:14:00 2024 / +0000 GMT

#i-Portunus Houses call for applications: two days left to the round 1 deadline

The pilot project i-Portunus, financed by the European Commision, supports artists mobility focused on creating, connecting, learning and/or exploring.
i-Portunus Houses is open to hosts (organisation or established individual artists/cultural professionals) to team up with 2 to 5 artists and/or cultural professionals, legally residing in different Creative Europe countries + UK, with the intention to work together on one or more collaboration projects. The scheme is open for all cultural sectors (except audio-visual sectors), approaches and working modalities. To participate is required to organised a project with a hosting organization or with a partner in another Creative Europe Country.
Under this new pilot scheme two similar calls have been launched, to enlarge the opportunities for physical mobility:

Round 1: Friday 21 May - Wednesday 30 June
Round 2: Monday 23 August - Sunday 3 October

Throughout both submission periods, a series of online peer-moderated i-Portunus Market Square events is offered. The i-Portunus Market Square events are info- and matching sessions for hosts, artists and cultural professionals to identify, form and prepare new teams for successfully co-designing and submitting a joint collaboration proposal. These events are not mandatory.

In the framework of round 1 the main objective of the collaboration project has to be one of the following:

  • Create: (co-)creation of artistic work, production, performance

  • Connect: networking, internationalisation

  • Learn: increase competences, professional development

  • Explore: research, future collaborations/projects

Apply Now!!
More information here