Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Sep 16 15:18:02 2024 / +0000 GMT

How should a Culture Goal be? Last days to answer the survey launched by #culture2030goal campaign

The #Culture2030Goal campaign brings together international networks of actors in the culture field, united to advocate for the role of culture in sustainable development. Its mission is to integrate culture, pillar of sustainable development, into the global development agenda.

Its objectives include:

  • A stronger place for culture during the implementation of the current global development agenda (the United Nations 2030 Agenda)

  • The adoption of culture as a distinct goal in the post-2030 development agenda.

  • The adoption of a global agenda for culture.

As a contribution to the UNESCO Mondiacult 2022 Conference, to be held in Mexico City in next September 2022, the #Culture2030Goal campaign released a Statement which calls for concrete, bold and engaging outcomes to accelerate the shift to a world that puts culture at the core of decision-making, and that calls for a stand-alone Goal on Culture.

The campaign is now working on a draft of this stand-alone Goal and has launched a survey, aimed at anyone with an interest in sustainable development, culture and the connection between the two, to explore and build this Goal.

The survey is available at the link and the deadline for responding is June 21, 2022