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Historic Graves pilot from INCULTUM: new video presentation

INCULTUM partner Eachtra is engaged in The Historic Graves project, that is a community focused, grassroots heritage project where local community groups are trained in low-cost, high-tech field surveys of historic graveyards; also recording their own oral histories.

In September 2021, dr. John Tierny was invited by the DU Archaeological Society for a presentation to a student group in Trinity College Dublin, to showcase the ongoing work on mid-19th century burial practices in times of epidemic/pandemic/famine, using the 19th century Irish potato famine as a case study. A video was prepared as a tour of some of the sites in West Waterford.

The LIDAR & Multispec survey work at Pulla cemetery was funded by an RIA Archaeology Grant 2021 & the LIDAR data was very kindly made available by Transport Infrastructure Ireland. Dr Steve Daivs of UCD Archaeology Dept did the LIDAR processing and Dr Paul Naessens of Western Aerial Surveys did the drone/UAV surveys. Making of the video was funded from the #Incultum project as part of the research into communicating archaeology for community benefit.

Read More about the Pilot 9 Historic graves in Ireland