Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Sep 16 9:24:39 2024 / +0000 GMT

Historic Graves pilot from INCULTUM presented at EAA 2021

"Livestreaming the Past" is the title of a talk presented by INCULTUM partner Eachtra during the renowned meeting of EAA, the European Association of Archaeologists. Eachtra is engaged in The Historic Graves project, that is a community focused, grassroots heritage project where local community groups are trained in low-cost, high-tech field surveys of historic graveyards; also recording their own oral histories.

The EAA conference was a great occasion for dissemination of the Pilot and of INCULTUM as well. As part of a session on community archaeology in a Covid-19 world a video lecture was recorded, reflecting on how archaeology and heritage can be relevant and positive in the light of Covid-19 challenges. This talk by John Tierney explains Eachtra's approach to community archaeology, the Covid-19 experience and impact, and concludes by outlining the intention of livestreaming archaelogical and participative work as a means of building an audience for collaborative projects at Eachtra.

Outdoors livestreaming is in facts becoming increasingly 'doable' due to improvements in mobile phone technology, 4G networks and affordable data. A new video aesthetic of chest and wrist mounted cameras is developing with large audiences for walks, bus and cycling journeys, often with little purpose other than to entertain an audience. Eachtra is applying the techniques developed by outdoors livestreamer's to archaeology & heritage as part of the INCULTUM pilot 9 "Historic Graves"

As part of INCULTUM, Eachtra team have also recorded and tested a number of highly interesting livestreams, that can be reached in this YouTube compilation including 18 videos.

Discover the INCULTUM Pilots: