Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 20 1:18:15 2024 / +0000 GMT

Heritage documentation, accessing and understanding through an inclusive approach for 3D reconstruction


The conference, focused on the most innovative strategies of digital documentation for accessing and understanding European Cultural Heritage, will present the first year of  research activities of the project INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling, funded by the European Commission within the Work
Programme “Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”, leaded by the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, widen the debate on the Italian position in the Work Programme 2018-2020.

Scientific Coordination: Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara/ TekneHub
Organization: Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara/ TekneHub
Roberto Di Giulio, University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture, Head
of Department, INCEPTION Project Coordinator
The INCEPTION project: Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D
semantic modelling

Fabio Donato, University of Ferrara, Italian Representative in the
Committee of the Horizon 2020 SC6 Programme "Europe in a changing
world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies"
Towards the work program 2018-2020: the Italian position

Roko Žarnić, University of Ljubljana, ECTP Focus Area Cultural Heritage
Resilience of heritage assets in context of data collection and their economic

Marinos Ioannides, Cyprus University of Technology, Digital Heritage
Research Laboratory
Missing Standards: A Challenge for the e-documentation of the Past

Federica Maietti, Federico Ferrari, University of Ferrara, Department of
Innovation in 3D data capturing and modelling of Cultural Heritage

Download the flyer of the event (PDF, 309 Kb)

INCEPTION project website: