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Get involved! REACH opening conference "Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe"

davEverything's ready for the upcoming REACH project Opening Conference, and the banner is already displayed on the facade of the Hungarian National Museum: from 10th to 11th of May, high-level experts will meet in Budapest to discuss and compare successful examples of participatory processes and researches facing the theme of "Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe".
Focus topics:
social cohesion, social inequality, minority heritage, preservation and management of Cultural Heritage, rural heritage, small town heritage, institutional heritage.
What to expect:
- Interesting programme of speeches
- Round table on resilience and participation in Cultural Heritage
- Posters and videos session where participants are invited to deliver a brief pitch presenting their own projects.
- An Europeana Collection Day for digitization of stories and memorabilia of people and  families who experienced travelling and migration in their lives.
- A Networking Session for European projects in Cultural Heritage as a periodic concertation event supporting a sustainable cooperation.
- A contribution by a EC representative.
From the conference will emerge a manifesto containing the basic guidelines and principles of REACH
Hungarian National Museum, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 14–16 Hungary
the Conference is organized by ELTE University, Eotvos Lora Tudomanyegyetem and it is part of the programme of the European Year of Cultural Heritage
REACH Conference website:
Full Programme:

Conference contacts:
Eszter György,; +3630 278 27 31
Gábor Oláh,; +3630 456 62 98