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Future Minds - Art and Technology in the future

Kyoto University and Goldsmiths, University of London are organizing an International Symposium entitled "Future Mind" - Art and Technology in the future.

Location: the Stuart Hall Building, Goldsmith, University of London

future mind


Registration and Coffee (9:00 - 9:35)

Welcoming talk (9:35~9:45)
Ambassador of Japan Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Japan in the United Kingdom

Talk by Kyoto University's President and Goldsmiths College's Warden (9:45~10:15)
Dr. Juichi Yamagiwa, President, Kyoto University
Mr. Patrick Loughrey, Warden (President), Goldsmiths College, University of London

Break (10:15 - 10:30)

Session 1 (10:30 - 12:00)Art of Future, Future City and Looking for Japan
Presenter: Mr. Conrad Bodman
Presenter: Prof. Sherry Dobbin
Presenter: Prof. Naoko Tosa

Lunch (12:00-13:30)
Greeting Talk (13:30-13:40)
By Mark D'Inverno, Professor of Computer Science and  Pro-Warden (International) at Goldsmiths

Session 2(13:40 - 15:00)Communication of the Future, Vision and Mind
Presenter: Prof. Ryohei Nakatsu
Presenter: Prof. Frederic Fol Leymarie

Break (15:00 - 15:20)

Session 3 (15:20 - 16:20) VR Art and Imaging of the Future
Presenter: Prof. William Latham
Presenter: Prof. Koji Koyamada

Session 4 (16:20 - 17:40)AI, Art Critic of the Future Mind
Presenter: Prof. Liang Zhao
Presenter: Dr. Guido Orgs
Presenter: Prof. Koji Yoshioka

Social Gathering (17:40 -19:30)

For more information, please visit the event website at