Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Jan 21 19:26:59 2025 / +0000 GMT

Fair and Solidarity Tourism workshop at the INCULTUM pilot

The Fair and Solidarity Tourism workshop, organised in the frame of the INCULTUM project, unfolded over three Sundays on 3, 10 and 17 December 2023, with the final event held in the picturesque mountain village of Demati Zagori.

The workshop brought together cultural associations, local stakeholders and representatives from neighboring regions. Participants were introduced to the new website set up by The High Mountains in the context of INCULTUM.

Practical sessions were devoted to demonstrating tools on cooperative branding and marketing of community-based experiences.

Different ways were discussed about the life in the villages in North and South Pindus, which aim to celebrate and preserve their local heritage.

The model of Fair and Solidarity Tourism emerged as a powerful counterbalance to the dangerous effects that may be produced by mass tourism.

Further information is available in the Press release that can be downloaded here (PDF).