Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Dec 12 19:31:47 2024 / +0000 GMT

Europeana 2022: Making digital culture count

From 28 to 30 September the annual Europeana conference will take place in a hybrid format: online and on-site at the KB, National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague.

It will be a three-day event to learn, explore and deepen various aspects of digital cultural heritage:

  • Wednesday 28 September, Making digital culture count: perspectives and provocations on the data space for digital cultural heritage: to explore the data space in practice.

  • Thursday 29 September, Making digital culture count - stories, culture and society: how storytelling, cultural and digital heritage come together to connect institutions with the public and with trends and issues of today.

  • Friday 30 September, Making digital culture count - technology matters: how technology paves the way for digital inclusion and the preservation of cultural heritage.

In the afternoon there will be presentations, workshops and activities: the over 30 sessions of Europena 2022 have been co-created with cultural heritage professionals who responded to the call for proposals. There will be two hybrid sessions which participants can join both on-site and online, and online only talks on a diverse range of topics.

The full programme of Europeana 2022 is available at