Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Feb 15 22:10:02 2025 / +0000 GMT

Europeana Research Grants Programme 2018: Call for Submissions Open

The Europeana Research Grants Programme 2018 will fund up to three projects, depending on the quality of the applications, with 8,000 Euros on average per project. We invite you to explore the Europeana 1914-1918 Collection and to submit projects that are transnational in scope. The collection hosts 400,000 items aggregated from Europeana partner libraries, archives and museums, including over 600 hours of video, alongside 200,000 items of content contributed by individuals both online and during the 200+ collection days. research grantsThe community collection days, organised by Europeana and other institutions throughout Europe, invited people to share their stories and objects from the First World War, which were then digitised by professional archivists. Applicants are also invited to explore the selection of newspapers from the First World War period in the Europeana platform, which offers over 20,000 openly licensed records.

The eligible projects must:

  • Focus on the First World War theme.

  • Use openly licensed Europeana content, including but not limited to the Europeana 1914-1918 Collection.

  • Apply digital tools and digital humanities methods to address their specific research topic.

More info and application: