Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Feb 8 0:34:58 2025 / +0000 GMT

EU Tourism Dashboard available for consultation

European Commission launches the EU Tourism Dashboard, a new tool to help policy makers at country and regional level to steer policies and strategies in the tourism ecosystem. The aim of this tool is to improve access to statistics and policy-relevant indicators for tourism, supporting destinations and public authorities in tracking their progress in the green and digital transition.

The dashboard offers visualisations of tourism-relevant data and indicators collected from available, trusted sources concerning the tourism ecosystem, to allow the profiling and monitoring of progress of EU countries towards such policy objectives. The indicators of the EU Tourism Dashboard are organised under three policy pillars: environmental impacts, digitalisation, and socio-economic vulnerability. In addition, the Dashboard offers a set of basic tourism descriptors to provide further context regarding the characteristics of tourism destinations in terms of demand, supply and tourism offer.

The current, public version of the Dashboard is the result of a development and consultation process initiated in mid-2021, at the request of the EU Council. The EU Member States and other international organisations contributed to the consultation, and will continue being consulted in view of upcoming improvements to this tool.

It has been developed by the JRC and the Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.