Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Feb 15 22:33:21 2025 / +0000 GMT

EU-China: Silk Road Cultural Dialogues


The overall objective of this session, that is organized in the framework of ICT2018 research and innovation event of the Europeana Commission, intends to account for China's “soft power” strategy and Europe's multicultural identity and scope that puts the role of culture in the spotlight.

Culture is digitally preserved and exposed and disseminated through digital channels. Various Standards, Techniques and Solutions in the field of digital heritage and cultural expression are used in East and West. Know how transfer and adaptation of common means in this aspect are crucial as to make Sino-European Culture exchange possible and effective.

Research projects and exchange will be beneficial for both parts. China is investing in approaching the West. Additional relevant H2020 calls will pave the way to research cooperation and common development of interfaces, Techniques and Solutions.


16:30 - Introduction, Professor Andreas Georgopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Greece

16:35 - Pitch on the European Status, Antonella Fresa, CEO Promoter S.r.l., Italy

16:40 - Chinese Status, Xiaoming Zhang, Deputy Director of the China National Center for Culture Studies (CASS)

16:45 - Sample Projects' Proposals, Konstantinos Konstantinidis, CEO PostScriptum, Greece

16:50 - Wrap Up

Austria Center

1 Bruno-Kreisky-Platz Vienna

Room 2.31


ict 2018