Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 18 9:06:38 2025 / +0000 GMT

DAVID Test Workshop

david-1DAVID project - Digital AV Media Damage Prevention and Repair - will hold its first test workshop on the 20th and 21st of May in Vienna.


The workshop will focus on the user testing and evaluation of DAVID project results in the area of MXF D10 File Repair, DigiBETA Dropout Detection, Sampling Structure Error Detection, Noise Repair, Field Error Repair and Preservation Risk Management.


This represents for PREFORMA a good opportunity to disseminate the project, to understand what DAVID is doing and to evaluate possible opportunities of cooperation in the light of the Memorandum of Understanding that is under discussion between the two projects.


The agenda for the test workshop, including a registration contact, is available here.