Digital meets Culture
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D4.2 Promotional Material

This document provides an overview of the dissemination strategy, activities, and materials the PREFORMA Project intends to use over the lifetime of the project. The dissemination activities aim to increase the impact of the project by making it visible to as wide an audience as possible, while focusing on those target users for which the project is most relevant.

In particular, it presents a short overview of the production of the print and presentation materials that have been designed and created in the first months of the project and which will be used for the networking and dissemination of PREFORMA. All future printed materials for PREFORMA will be based on the designs and templates described herein. Printed materials play a key role in dissemination and networking, as the first impression one gets of the project, which cannot be undone, is imparted by them.

Furthermore this report, targeted towards all sectors of the PREFORMA network, serves as an easy-to-use guide for the project partners to inform, improve, streamline, and standardise the procedures concerning the project's dissemination activities. Finally, it describes how these processes will be monitored.

This deliverable features six Chapters and one Annex.

  • Chapter 1 introduces the objectives and the main characteristics of the project's communication and dissemination work.

  • Chapter 2 provides a brief overview of the first dissemination materials that have been produced to present/promote the project and spread its results.

  • Chapter 3 summarises the target audience to be reached.

  • Chapter 4 analyses the variety of dissemination methods and channels to be adopted with the goal of disseminating outcomes and results.

  • Chapter 5 describes how the effectiveness of dissemination activities will be continuously monitored and evaluated.

  • Chapter 6 presents the conclusions.

  • The Annex contains a promotional plan including the description of how, when, to whom, who will distribute this material.