Digital meets Culture Export date: Thu Sep 19 5:20:16 2024 / +0000 GMT |
D3.1 Terms of Reference for the Network of Common InterestThis Deliverable is a report on the networking platform of tools and guidelines, which includes all terms of reference and methodologies for:
This document is intended to include all necessary information on the procedures to ensure a smooth internal work process as well as provide the wider public with an overview of the PERFORMA project. Most of these procedures are already in place and have effective and beneficial impact on the progress of the work. The first section on General Methodology builds on the indication of the Project Handbook. The aim is to further explore current best practices so they are readily available to new members of the network. The second section on Networking Activities and Enlargement of the Network describes the methodologies decided by the consortium to formalise the agreements with external partners who express their interest and the intention to cooperate with the project. It outlines a unique workflow which exploits existing tools to ensure the smooth management of this very delicate task. The third section on PERFORMA Working Groups is dedicated to the terms of reference and the procedures for the activity of each Working Group. The last section presents some final considerations and draws the conclusions. Finally, the Annexes contain the templates of the affiliation agreements. |