Digital meets Culture
Export date: Tue Feb 18 10:15:56 2025 / +0000 GMT

CROC simulates State Hermitage Museum’s Jupiter Hall in Virtual Reality

CROC's Virtual Reality Center specialists developed a digital copy of the State Hermitage Museum's Jupiter Hall to demonstrate it in virtual reality. This unparalleled project in the Russian museum domain aims to promote the national cultural heritage.

Using the photogrammetry technology, the project team reconstructed sculptures, scenery and interiors of the hall with a total of more than 46 exhibits, including world famous masterpieces, such as the Portrait of a Roman Woman (known as A Syrian Woman) and the portraits of Emperors Lucius Verus, Balbinus and Philip the Arabian. To visit the museum, a person just puts on virtual reality glasses and sees a photorealistic image of the hall, while using a joystick to approach any exhibit and listen to information about the history of its creation, creator and art style.

The project makes the State Hermitage Museum's collections available to a great number of people, including those with disabilities, and will help demonstrate the cultural heritage in the museum branches and during various external expositions. In the future, the project is going to transform from a proof of concept into a full-scale digital simulation of the entire museum.
