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CHARTER Alliance publishes its first result and presents a new model for the cultural heritage sector

The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER, Erasmus+ funded project, released its first public deliverable: “A new landscape for heritage professions preliminary findings” by Working Package 2 (Strategic analysis of cultural heritage competences and occupational profiles). The report summarises the work and preliminary findings that the WP2 has developed over the past six months.
The report presents the development of a new integrated model for the cultural heritage sector, defining its breadth, dynamics and boundaries in relation to existing cultural, statistical, occupational and economic conceptual definitions, policy principles and frameworks. The model reflects the evolving discourse about cultural heritage and is aligned with the concept of cultural heritage as a “shared resource and common good”, which impacts human, economic and social wellbeing.
The model conveys holistic principles while being applicable in economic and social assessments and policies, proposing cultural heritage as a discrete domain on its own, with specific functions for its full realization.
The report is the result of desk research on the contemporary discourse in cultural heritage, as evidenced in recent policy documents, reports and latest conceptual frameworks, assessment of current statistical indicators and brainstorming sessions with the CHARTER consortium for contributions and validation of the ongoing results.
Access the Full report in the Results section of CHARTER's website.
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