Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Feb 14 5:03:23 2025 / +0000 GMT

Beyond 3D Digitisation: Applications of 3D Technology in Cultural Heritage

DMEAs a new stage of the Digital Museum Expo, this colloquium and workshop focuses on the impact of 3D digital assets for cultural heritage.  Digitisation of museum objects is not a final stage, but only a start for research, conservation and interpretation.  3D offers us a new set of tools and methodologies that will change the cultural heritage domain significantly.  New visualisation technologies, both online and in the museum, and new interaction technologies open a wide range of opportunities for museum curators and cultural heritage experts to share the results of their work and the value and beauty of their collection.

Royal Museum for Art and History, venue of the meeting

Royal Museum for Art and History, venue of the meeting

This event contains three parts.  In the colloquium on the first day, digital heritage experts from Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy will present different applications of 3D digitisation and virtual reconstruction in research, collection management, publication, education and public presentation.  In the second day, several applications are elaborated through a series of workshops.  During the colloquium and workshop, a Digital Museum Expo will take place.  This is a series of hands-on demonstrations of innovative applications, such as the museum installations that have been developed in the V-MusT project for the multi-museum exhibition Keys2Rome or the online visualisation of 3D digital assets in Europeana, developed in the 3D-ICONS project.  Other heritage institutions and companies will be present also.

You can register for the colloquium, the workshop or both.

Please fill and send the registration form, the payment will take place on site before the beginning of the event. It will be possible to have a receipt of your payment.

Download the full programme of the event here

Download the registration form here

VENUE: Brussels, Royal Museum for Art and History