Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Feb 8 0:15:46 2025 / +0000 GMT

Augmented Reality makes street art come to life

luisSouth Florida-based artist Luis Valle, who has spraypainted murals across Miami, is a part of a project called “Augmented Reality.” Using an app, Mussa, viewers can have an augmented reality experience and view a 3D model of his artworks. Luis says this particular intersection of technology and art is thrilling and he believes AR will help creatives better connect their work with onlookers, because of its ability to make art more evocative.
“The technology is brand new and only the beginning. What we can do with it is only limited to what we can think up,” Valle tells Big Think. “It definitely does enliven the art experience. Everyone has a smartphone these days and with AR you can add many added elements to an art piece. You can add sound, motion and 3D elements to the experience, which affects more of your senses.”

Discover more and read the full blog by Jonathan Kendall on Big Think