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Artist or creative? Apply for the VERTIGO STARTS Artistic Residencies Program

vertigoVERTIGO is a program which organizes 45 artistic residencies over a 3-year period in order to create new synergies between artistic communities, cultural institutions and innovation stakeholders.

Artists accompagned by their producer choose the R&D ICT-Project they want to collaborate on from a list of available projects.

This residency will provide the opportunity to develop the production of an original artwork, a fresh approach to innovation challenges.

Artists, the European program lets you:

> COLLABORATE on an ICT R&D project
> DESIGN original prototypes
> OBTAIN support for commissioned works
> BENEFIT from the exposure of a unique cultural network

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 22nd May 2017 h.10.00 am


The VERTIGO STARTS Artistic Residencies Program organises collaborations between artists and research and development projects in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). VERTIGO is funded under the H2020 European STARTS initiative, innovation at the nexus of Science Technology, and the ARTS. STARTS promotes the arts as catalysts for efficient conversion of science and technology knowledge into products, services, and processes. To achieve this objective, VERTIGO is organizing and funding artist residencies within ICT R&D projects.

The program is organised in 3 yearly open calls for proposals which will be selected by an international jury. The selected artists will contribute to the innovative aspects of ICT R&D projects' research by bringing original perspectives through artistic practices. Those practices should naturally lead to an original artwork based on the project technology featuring novel use-cases with a high potential for innovation. VERTIGO will also act as a platform to showcase produced works to the public and actors of innovation.