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Art exhibibition in Athens "Impressions of Greece": how young Chinese people see us

An exhibition entitled "Impressions of Greece" was inaugurated on 10th July in Maroussi district of Athens hosted at the Hellenic Center for Ceramic Art. It showcases the works of 8 young artists from China, students of Forward Arts in Beijing, aged between 4 and 18 years. The exhibition includes watercolors, sketches, oil painting and ceramics created during a cultural tour if 10 days in Greece.


The group of students, accompanied by the School Directors, were touring in characteristic cultural spaces of the city such as the Spatharios Museum, the Municipal Olympic Gallery, the Olympic sports facilities, the Ceramic Art Center. They participated in the activities of the sports and cultural camp of the Municipality of Amaroussion, visited archaeological sites of Attica, as well as destinations outside Athens.


The program, a product of Promoter Srl (Italy) and Greece China Link, both companies with experience in thematic tourism and cultural exchange programs, was supported by the Municipality of Amaroussion with the aim of allowing young and very young Chinese students to learn about an authentic cross-section of Greek life and heritage, and the youngsters had the opportunity to work side by side with local artists. Exhibiting their works in Athens is a prestigious opportunity they'll never forget.

The organizer and curator of the initiative Dr. Elisa Debernardi of Promoter Srl, thanking the local institutions that have joined the vernissage, highlighted how, in addition to the great educational value that the visit of our museums and monuments has offered to young students, it was an event of cultural exchanges of great significance and strong potential.


Giving the "present" to the farewell celebration, the Mayor of Maroussi Giorgos Patoulis said: "By using culture and art as a means we bring young people and people closer. Through exchanges of this kind we promote mutual understanding among the peoples, highlight the many tourist themes that Greece can develop by exploiting its cultural wealth and history with multi-level benefits for our homeland. Maroussi strengthens its extrovert, exploits its tourist attractions. He leads and leads in the field of promoting thematic tourism and its alternative forms." On the occasion of his presence at the farewell exhibition of the students who participated in the program, the sculptor Situ Xiao Chun offered Mayor Mr. Patoulis as a memorial of his visit to Maroussi a sculpture he himself crafted. On the side of the Municipality the participants were given commemorative gifts related to the history of the place.

Present at the event were also the Deputy Mayor Costas Antonopoulos, the President of the Public Benefit Society of the Municipality of Amaroussion (KEDA) Nikos Peppas, the President of the Organization for Social Policy and Solidarity (O.KOLIDA), Petros Koniaris, the President of the Primary Education Committee of the Municipality of Epaminondas Katsigiannis, the Chairman of the Secondary Education Committee of the Municipality of Michalis Papadopoulos, the municipal councillors Eleni Vlachou Stamataki and Eleni Lekka, the President of the Panhellenic Association of Keramists and Pottery Nikos Vallatos, representatives of the tourist agencies.