Digital meets Culture
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A Virtual Research Community for the Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage @ ICT 2013, Vilnius

Norbert Meyer (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center) took a presentation of the EUDAT project

Norbert Meyer (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center) took a presentation of the EUDAT project

A network of projects and initiatives working worldwide in the domain of DCH, digital arts, digital performances, digital humanities, digital preservation and e-infrastructures  was born during the EGI Community Forum in Manchester

The networking session "A Virtual Research Community for the Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage" held at the ICT2013 Conference in Vilnius, intended to continue the discussion which was carried out in the last months through a series of joint events to identify common goals, strategies and synergies between the projects.

The aim is to progress in setting up a common plan for establishing a Virtual Research Community for the preservation of DCH, to be acknowledged at European level by the world of e-infrastructure and to target the opportunities offered by Horizon2020

Here below you can find all the presentations made during the event and some background information.


Programme and presentations

16:50 - 17:00 Welcome and introduction (Antonella Fresa, Promoter Srl, download PDF)

17:00 - 17:05 EUDAT: last achievements and next steps (Norbert Meyer, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, download PDF)

17:05 - 17:10 SCAPE and SUCCEED: last achievements and next steps (Hildelies Balk, National Library of the Nedherlands, download PDF SCAPE/OPF, download PDF SUCCEED/IMPACT CoC)

17:10 - 17:15 APARSEN and SCIDIP-ES: last achievements and next steps (David Giaretta, Alliance for Permanent Access)

17:15 - 17:20 CHAIN-REDS: last achievements and next steps (Federico Ruggeri, INFN / GARR, download PDF)

17:20 - 17:35 Discussion. Towards a Virtual Research Community for the Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage: topics and ways of cooperation (use cases, MoUs, etc.), target users, features and services to be provided, interoperability issues



To bring together projects and initiatives working world-wide in the domain of DCH, digital arts, digital performances, digital humanities and digital preservation to find synergies and discuss opportunities for cooperation, in particular around the theme of using e-infrastructures for the preservation of DCH.
The Session will be realized with the contribution and participation of representatives from several EU projects, among which:

  • DCH-RP: Digital Cultural Heritage Roadmap for Preservation

  • SCIDIPES: SCIence Data Infrastructure for Preservation - Earth Science

  • APARSEN: Alliance Permanent Access to the Record of Science in Europe network

  • EUDAT: Towards a European Collaborative Data Infrastructure

  • CHAIN REDS: Coordination and Harmonization of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing

  • DARIAH: Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities

  • DASISH: Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Science and Humanities

  • CLARIN: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure

  • SCAPE: SCAlable Preservation Environments

  • SUCCEED: Support Action Centre of Competence in Digitisation

  • PREFORMA: a new joint Pre-Commercial Procurement project – which is now under negotiation – whose main objective is the development of an open source software licensed reference implementation for different format standards as a tool to be used by memory institutions to check conformance with standard specifications

Targeted user communities and stakeholders

  • Cultural Heritage institutions (libraries, museums, archives, other National institutions)

  • Institutions that design policies at National and International levels (Ministerial policy makers, National authorities)

  • Ministries and state agencies responsible for e-Infrastructures (Ministries of Science, and/or Education, ICT agencies)

  • Cultural Heritage International Agency and Organizations (e.g., NEMO, EMF, ICOM, EBLIDA, CENL)

  • Policy-making bodies (e.g. Map out, ESFRI)

  • Public and private academic and research institutions which own digital content and carry out research activities

  • Private sector (Publishers; Bip, RRO organizations)

  • e-Infrastructures providers (NRENs, Grid & Clouds platform providers)

  • R&D projects and e-Infrastructure initiatives in digital preservation

  • Other National and International Projects and Initiatives related to the use of e-Infrastructures for the preservation of DCH

Expected outcomes

To continue the discussion and consolidate the network born during the EGI Community Forum in Manchester. It encompasses projects that are building data and research infrastructures applicable or dedicated to the CH and the humanities.
To identify common goals, strategies and synergies between the projects and set up a common plan identifying opportunities and threats in the light of establishing a Virtual Research Community to be acknowledged at European level by the world of e-infrastructure. The plan will chart an approach for targeting the opportunities offered by Horizon2020. This is as part of a more general vision towards an Open Science Infrastructure for DCH in 2020 that will be formed as a federation of existing infrastructures: national infrastructures (NRENs, NGIs), joint European initiatives (e.g. EGI), European data infrastructures (e.g. APARSEN, EUDAT, SCIDIP-ES), research infrastructures (e.g. DARIAH, CLARIN, DASISH), by also involving the commercial sector.

Contact details

Name: Claudio Prandoni

Affiliation: Promoter Srl
