Digital meets Culture
Export date: Wed Sep 18 22:10:37 2024 / +0000 GMT

VaporScape - interactive soundscape installation that reacts with body data

VaporScape is an interactive soundscape installation collaborated with NikeLab's The Vision-Airs project, globally launched for celebrating the new VaporMax technology.
The idea behind is about detecting the humidity of the room, temperature on audience's skin and translate the vaporization rate into the sound modulation. It emphasis the biomechanics process of human body and embodied the generative soundscape self-containing in a vaporized atmosphere.

Vaporization is about the changing of state, thus turning liquid to vapor where it occurs in our body. We breath; we sweat; heartbeats hit and blood flows. That's how the internal circulation work and regular the body temperature. The heat evaporates through sweating hence for the result. Our body work like an orchestra, the micro sounds are amazing.

VaporScape is an interactive ambience sound installation that contains 4 layers of sound. The sensors react with the humidity of the room, temperature on audience's skin and translate the vaporization rate into the sound modulation. It emphasis the biomechanics process of human body and embodied the generative soundscape self-containing in a vaporized atmosphere.

Project link: